About Penrith and Eden District Freegle

Penrith and Eden District Freegle is a reuse group that helps you hand on unwanted items free to others, mainly arranged online but occasionally at local Give and Take events. We're one of 400+ Freegle groups across the UK with over 2.5 million memberships overall.

  • Freegle lets you OFFER something you have spare - or put out a WANTED for something you'd like
  • For example, your OFFER will be listed on the local group for all local members to see
  • Anyone interested will get in touch with you
  • You choose who to give it to and arrange to meet up
  • You mark the item as TAKEN (or RECEIVED)
  • Everything must be free and legal

Start Freegling now Use the Freegle mobile appPenrith and Eden District Freegle on Twitter Penrith and Eden District Freegle on Facebook

If you need any help, please phone Chris on 01931713240 - or Elaine on 01697475398 after noon. Or contact us on PenrithEdenFreegle-volunteers@groups.ilovefreegle.org or penrithfreeglemods@gmail.com. Please read our welcome message.

Please read the main Freegle Terms, privacy page and disclaimer. Stay Safe: Please NEVER pay courier fees for delivery - it is a scam.

Once you are logged in, there's a community events listing which you can add your listing to.  And check out the local list of alternative reuse outlets - get in touch if you have any additions.

Penrith and Eden District Freegle is run by local volunteers Chris, Elaine, Judith-Ann and Juliet. Many members help at events, as do volunteers from Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT) and the lovely Cumbria County Council waste prevention team.

Freegle is a UK not-for-profit organisation, registered as a charity with HMRC (ref. XT32865). Freegle Ltd is a Registered Society for Community Benefit Registration no: 32410R. Freegle is free to use, but not free to run - so please consider giving us a donation.

National Lottery Community FundPenrith and Eden District Freegle is receiving help from Penrith Action for Community Transition (PACT) from 2021-2025 as part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria project, an ambitious emission reduction programme to make Cumbria carbon neutral by 2037, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership brings together over 70 organisations in the public, private, and third sectors and is jointly chaired by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) and Cumbria County Council.

To achieve its goal, the partnership will be delivering a range of projects and activities, many of which have been inspired and developed by local communities. A number of these community-led projects and activities, including Freegle Give and Take events, have been made possible by a £2.5 million grant from the National Lottery Community Fund.

For more information about the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership, go to Zero Carbon Cumbria Programme - CAfS.

Thanks to Cumbria County CouncilPenrith and Eden District Freegle has received funding for a year from November 2017 through Freegle Ltd from the Cumbria County Council Community Waste Prevention Fund - more details. We also received the same funding in May 2016 - more details. We previously received funding from the Big Lottery Fund (Communities Living Sustainably fund) Sustain Eden project as a partner with Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS). Thanks very much to all funders and those who have given time and donations to help run Freegle.


Forthcoming Freegle events...