Sustainable Brampton have a Give and Take stall at every Brampton Farmers Market, usually held on the last Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm. Please bring along items to give away free and pick up anything that's available - for nothing! Drop by for a chat - and see what's lurking in your loft, garage or shed. Do bring smaller items such as toys, books, tools, kitchen and household goods but don’t bring anything you can’t easily carry like furniture.
The stall has been running successfully for two months now. After the first event, organiser Chris Lloyd said, "new homes were found for a much loved four season sleeping bag, a clever mirror for a bicycle, a powerful water pistol and a practically unused pair of Hunter boots!" At the second market over 100 items were received and almost all were gone by the end of the day.
Anything left over at the end goes to a local charity shop.