Freegle groups across the UK have a free community event listing facility. Anyone can add an event which is visible to Freegle users and to the wider public. It's a great way to publicise your event, it's free and it's easy to add them! The local group volunteers must approve each post - they will usually allow anything community related even if there's a charge for the event, but purely commercial events might be declined.
Here's the current event listing for the Penrith and Eden District group:

When you click on More info, you can see - wait for it - more information:

To add an event you must first sign up free to Freegle at and join one or more local groups - or do this using the Freegle app for Android or iOS. You can select the Events listing and then Add an event. Then fill in the form - these fields are available currently, some optional:
- Choose the group
- Title
- Image - 150 x 150 pixels is the ideal size but don't worry if different
- Event description
- Where is it?
- When is it? One or more start and end dates
- Contact name
- Contact email
- Contact phone
- Web link
Then click Save. We'd love it if you could promote Freegle at your event so you'll be asked if you want some business cards sent out. Here's an A5 poster PDF to print out. Your event should be approved by the local group volunteers soon. Freegle users will then see the listing and it will go out in the weekly community event email summary. And finally: if you like this facility please give a donation to Freegle - it's free to use but not free to run - a couple of quid per listing would be nice if you can afford it, but no worries if not!